God Loves You

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


When I stop to think of that, I am in absolute amazement. It is hard not only to comprehend such a thought as to how God could do this but it is also difficult to understand why God would. I know me better than anyone – including my wife – and I wouldn’t have done such for me. I did not deserve salvation. A Holy God should have not even thought of me or even looked upon me.

The Christian faith says God died because He loved us. “But,” you say, “God can’t die.” That is true. He is eternal (yesterday, today, and forever). But He went ahead and died anyway, didn’t He? God became human and dwelled among us and humbled Himself to death, even death on a cross. (paraphrasing, John 1:14).

Above all, He did it because He loves us.  Why is it so difficult to understand such a love by such a God? Why would He bother? When I look back on all the loving friendships, energy, time, prayers, compassion, teaching and preaching that has been expended on me, there are times when I wonder why anyone would bother with me, much less God.

Putting it all together and adding to it the unexplainable splendor and majesty of God, why wouldn’t His love of us, His dying for us, be difficult to swallow? But, He does love us and He did die for us. That is the heart of life’s story. And rather than believe it is too good to be true, let’s choose to believe it is too good not to be true.

Bro. Larry
