Cell Phone Mania

When I was a child in school, my friends would get in trouble for passing notes in class. Since no one could read my writing, it was not an issue for me. My trouble was talking in class. Now with the technology of cell phones, many teens and even smaller children are text messaging each other in class and occasionally even sending each other photos.

Parents need to think about how their teens are using their cell phones and I’m talking about more than just minutes used. According to recent reports, many teens are using their cell phones to circulate nude photos of themselves. With much of the news about the immoral actions of the movie & television stars as well as athletes sending & receiving nude and nearly nude photos, our youth is following the example.

Rather than just writing this off as a new trend and something that will pass with time or age, parents, youth leaders, and teachers need to stop and take time to address this with their children and classes. The Bible states that we are not only “created in God’s image.” We are also “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Young ladies need to hear about the beauty in chastity and not giving in to a few moments of what they may consider fun or fame. Also, young men need to hear about how to have respect for the young lady that may sit beside them in class. And all need to hear about the righteousness of Christ lived out in the lives of Christians.

Say, “No thanks, I’m much too valuable to give myself away!”

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.” (Psalm 101:3)

Bro Larry

P.S. As adults we may want to watch the example we are sending at home, work, public events and at restaurants constantly being on our phones in front of our children.
