Truth by the Numbers

“Pilate saith unto him, ‘What is truth?’” John 18:37-38

Truth today is debatable by many. There are many different opinions on the COVID-19 virus and it’s difficult to know what to believe. Views on politics are so varied that some even claim “fake news” to benefit their own party.

Some claim truth is only relevant to the circumstance or the person. In other words, what is true for you may not be true for me. Before Jesus’ crucifixion Pilate asked the question to Jesus, “What is truth? He did not know that truth stood in front of Him – His name is Jesus! That truth is still available today and can be seen in the Holy Bible.

  • There is one Bible – canonized in history.
  • There are 66 different books in the Bible.
  • There were 40 different authors of wide-ranging backgrounds whom God inspired to write.
  • The Bible was written over a 1,600 year period.
  • There are 5,366 known manuscripts of the New Testament.
  • There are more than 25,000 archeological discoveries that validate Scriptural accounts.
  • In 1948, fragments of the Old Testament (known as the Dead Sea Scrolls) which were produced at least 100 years B.C. were discovered. Before that time the oldest O.T. text was dated 900 A.D.
  • Among 184,540 words for comparison among various manuscripts, only 400 words are disputed by biblical scholars. The disputed words deal with minor spelling or grammatical difference, but they do not change the meaning of any teaching or doctrine.
  • Even though the Old Testament was written over hundreds of years before Christ, Isaiah 53 prophesied the death of Christ 700 years before He was born.
  • Jesus fulfilled 300 of the prophecies. Experts say the probability of just 8 of the 300 coming true is 1 in 10^7 (1 in 10,000,000).
  • The strongest evidence that the Bible is true is the countless number of lives that have been transformed by it.

Read and study it for yourself. Learn more about the Bible and connect to others through personal studies and worship service at your local church.

Bro Larry
