Are You a Hearer or a Doer?

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22, KJV)

The game show Jeopardy first appeared on television in 1984. It has always been a wealth of information as contestants choose from the five information categories to test their knowledge on those specific subjects. Alex Trebeck must be the smartest person on the planet.

I have never been smart enough to play Jeopardy well. I can’t even come out on top with Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? I don’t do well with trivia games that cover questions on different subjects.

Many believers collect knowledge on biblical matters and can answer many knowledge questions with ease. They live their lives as trivia collectors gathering information about God. They sign up for one Bible study after another but fail to apply the truths on the pages to their hearts. I have discovered that it is easier to memorize the Fruit of the Spirit than to live it. It is easier to recite words, but much harder to live them out.

To avoid trivializing God’s truth, here are three basic thoughts. First, as you read the Bible soak it in. Allow the words to have time to saturate your mind and heart. Don’t rush through the pages like craming the spiritual food without first tasting it. Secondly, apply the words to your life. Don’t apply it to your friend’s life or anyone else’s. See what it says to you personally. The Bible is always speaking personally as well as collectively. Finally, share what you have learned with a friend. As we talk about how we have been challenged by God’s Word, we also encourage others as well.

Will you strive to become a champion of Bible trivia or will you strive to become a transformed follower of Christ? Gaining Bible information does not guarantee spiritual transformation without application.

Bro Larry
